Becoming the first TRIB3 Legend: Debbie’s story

After nearly 40 years of being an active member within the fitness community as both a consumer and an instructor, Debbie Bell was looking for a next-level workout experience to reboot her fitness regime. “My TRIB3 journey began in March 2016 when I was ready for a change and was looking for something different.”
‘’I definitely hadn’t prepared myself for what I was about to experience” says Debbie, describing her first workout experience. “Lighting in the studio straight out of a nightclub, high-energy music pumping through the speakers and the exceptional fitness tracking technologies supporting the High-Intensity Interval Training workouts! I knew I was in for a ride and I was genuinely excited.”
Three years and one thousand HIIT sessions later Debbie Bell became the first trainee in TRIB3’s history to complete one thousand workouts, making her the first to achieve the 1k ‘Legend’ level in the unique TRIB3 journey. When asked about what pushed her to keep going, she says, “Little did I know what began as a beginner’s session ended up introducing me to a community of welcoming and like-minded workout warriors like myself.”
“For me TRIB3 is more than just boutique fitness, TRIB3 is a community of people who welcome everyone that walks through the door.”
Debbie also credits the team of coaches who have been there to support and motivate her in reaching these remarkable achievements.
“From the very beginning, you are made to feel part of a team who sweat together and who regularly celebrate each other’s fitness milestones whether it is 50, 100 or 1,000 workouts. Every single workout matters.”
Debbie has now completed more than 1,050 workouts and she has no plans to stop: “I am as excited to complete my 1060th class as I was to complete my first one, so I guess you could say I’m well and truly hooked”.